3-5 November 2023, Shanghai, China

IEEE International Symposium
on Product Compliance Engineering-Asia

Post-conference Event: Standards Forum

9 December 2023, Nanfang College · Guangzhou, China



We decided to convert the conference into a web-based event. This will ensure that all authors will be able to participate in a safe way, although not ideal, and we will create all the necessary mechanisms to ensure high connectivity amongst participants and try to keep the conference as a way to exchange ideas and experiences amongst the research community.

Each paper must at least pay a full, regular registration fee before Oct 31, 2023. (每篇被接收的论文必须有至少1位作者注册付费)

Registration Fees

For authors/students submitting regular papers:

Registration type Early registration up to Oct 31, 2023 Standard rate after Oct 31, 2023
Regular 3300 HK Dollars or 420 US Dollars 4000 HK Dollars or 500 US Dollars
For a participant without paper 1600 HK Dollars or 200 US Dollars 1600 HK Dollars or 200 US Dollars
  1. All unregistered authors or students are welcome to participate this online event for free.
  2. An international invoice will be provided for authors.
  3. Accepted Regular Papers will be sent to IEEE for application of indexing.
  4. One of authors for an accepted paper must prepare a 15-minutes PPT and present it at the conference online according to the conference program (每篇接收的论文必须由作者之一进行会议口头报告15分钟以内的PPT,报告表现亦作为最佳论文评选的重要依据。会议主要以腾讯会议作为主要直播工具,请大家提前安装,具体请见会议议程).

Bank Transfer Account

HKD Account (For Authors in Hong Kong and overseas) please see the instructions below.

To Remitter 致匯款人:                                                   
From Beneficiary 由收款人:                                          
Date 日期:                                                                     

Please find below my / company bank account information for remitting funds (please add a note in the transfer: paperID-xxx):
請將款項入賬至本人/ 本公司下列銀行戶口 (在匯款中請添加附言:paperID-xxx):

Payment by Telegraphic Transfer 以電匯付款
Item Information
Beneficiary Bank 收款銀行 Hang Seng Bank Limited恒生銀行有限公司
Beneficiary Bank Address 收款銀行地址 83 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong香港德輔道中83號
*CHIPS No. *CHIPS 代號 010522
Beneficiary Name 收款人名稱 CIE HONG KONG
Beneficiary Account Number收款人戶口號碼 222-052870-001
Beneficiary mailing address (通訊地址) RM 3102, 31/F, EIGHT COMMERCIAL TOWER, 8 SUN YIP STREET, CHAI WAN HK
*Please add a note in the transfer: paperID-xxx

*From USA:
For remittance from USA, you should also provide our CHIPS No. 010522 in addition to your account information and Hang Seng Bank Limited's SWIFT code.

若款項由美國匯出,閣下除須要提供戶口資料、恒生銀行有限公司之 SWIFT 代號 (即:HASEHKHH )等資料,還須提供本行的 CHIPS No.010522。

Payment by Local Interbank Transfer 以本地電子轉賬付款
Item Information
Beneficiary Bank 收款銀行 Hang Seng Bank Limited恒生銀行有限公司
Beneficiary Bank Code 收款銀行代號 024
Beneficiary Name 收款人名稱
Beneficiary Account Number收款人戶口號碼

For payment to HK, participants will transfer money to ISPCE-AS 2023 from overseas through Telegraphic Transfer by SWIFT Code, if in USA additional chip code is needed. The participant can transfer money by his e-banking system or bank. Detail of transfer has just been attached above.

Registration Information Submission:

When you completed the registration payment transfer, please do the following:

Email title (电邮标题): Registration information + paper ID

The email contents must include (邮件内容中必须包含以下信息):

Attendee Name (参加人姓名):

Mobile Phone Number (手机号码):

Email (电子邮箱,用于收取电子发票):

Professional Title (职称):

Student or Not (是否为学生):

Affiliation (所在学校):

Paper ID (论文编号):

Paper Title (论文题目):

Paid Fee (注册费付款金额):

Post Address (邮寄地址,用于邮寄会议资料):

Contact Person (收件人):

Phone (收件人电话):

Please upload your payment document in the email( attached (邮件中最后请附上转账凭证,如转账截图等).

This conference only provides E-file invoice/receipt. If you must need paper invoice/receipt, please contact us. Thanks. (本次会议默认只提供电子发票,并发送到作者所提供的邮箱。如果需要纸质发票,请再联系我们,谢谢!)

For any questions arising from registration, including requests for visa invitation letters, please contact the conference secretary: Mr. Zhang at